Pole-mounted Solar Lighting

Pole-mounted Solar Lighting

Solar Lighting Systems

Solar Street, Park, and Garden Lighting Systems

As one of our lighting solutions, our customers often prefer Solar Photovoltaic (PV) lighting systems over other possible renewable lighting systems. PV systems typically utilize polycrystalline or monocrystalline semiconductor cells to harness the energy of sunlight for electricity generation.

These cells use the energy of photons sent from the sun towards us, breaking the bonds of electrons within the atoms of these semiconductors in a specific wavelength range, thus releasing them and providing the required amount of energy. This energy can then be collected to supply an appropriate amount of power from the cells and even the panels.

We mount our long-lasting and durable professional solar lighting systems on resilient solar lighting poles certified with TS EN 40-5. This allows us to introduce you to solar lighting systems that do not require electrical connections and can provide bright illumination over a wide angle.

This category contains a total of 15 products.